Trumps Day in Review Troops to the Border Russia and Amazon Msnbc


Erstwhile President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama stand with President Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump at the 2017 inauguration. Reuters


In his inaugural accost, President Donald J. Trump announces an America First approach to foreign policy and trade, which centers on reducing U.S. trade deficits and rebalancing burden sharing within alliances. Trump promises to "unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism" and emphasizes that "information technology is the right of all nations to put their own interests offset."

Getty Images

Trump signs an executive lodge withdrawing the U.s.a. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Getty Images

TPP Withdrawal

Trump directs the Function of the U.Southward. Trade Representative to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a twelve-country, Asia-focused trade agreement the United States had championed under the Barack Obama assistants.

Kate Munsch/Reuters

Demonstrators protest outside San Francisco International Airport. Kate Munsch/Reuters

Travel Ban

The president signs an executive order banning nationals of six Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the U.s. for ninety days. The guild, later amended to include an additional two countries, also indefinitely freezes refugee intake from Syria. Days later, a federal estimate in Washington Country blocks part of the order, beginning a serial of judicial challenges. That same week, Trump signs two other executive orders concerning immigration. Ane directs federal funds to the construction of a wall along the U.South.-Mexico edge, and the other bars and then-called sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

Digital Globe/Getty Images

Satellite imagery shows the Shayrat Air Base, outside of Homs, following a U.Due south. missile strike. Digital Globe/Getty Images

Striking Syria

In retaliation for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad'due south use of the chemical weapon sarin in an attack against civilians, Trump authorizes a limited prowl missile strike on the regime-controlled Shayrat Air Base. U.S.-sponsored measures against the regime at the Un Security Quango are blocked past Russian federation, part of a long-running trend.

Chris Wattie/Reuters

Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo, Canadian Foreign Government minister Chrystia Freeland, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer meet on NAFTA in Ottawa. Chris Wattie/Reuters

Revisiting NAFTA

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer notifies Congress [PDF] of the White House's intent to "modernize" the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The assistants seeks to renegotiate the understanding, whose other parties are Canada and Mexico, to accost the U.S. trade deficit in goods, eliminate subsidies it sees as unfair, restore manufacturing jobs, and ease intellectual property restrictions.

Anadolu Agency/Getty

Trump and Arab leaders inaugurate a counterterrorism center in Riyadh. Anadolu Agency/Getty

Trump Goes Away

Trump makes his kickoff trip away every bit president, traveling to Kingdom of saudi arabia, State of israel, the Westward Bank, Italia, Vatican city, Kingdom of belgium, and Italy. He attends a height in Riyadh with leaders from more than l Arab- and Muslim-majority nations, where he delivers a speech calling on the Muslim world to unite against terrorism. In Brussels, Trump addresses N Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) heads of state and authorities, calling on each of them to "finally contribute their fair share" to the alliance. He does non, however, explicitly land his support for NATO's Article 5 common defense clause. In Italy, Trump participates in the Group of Seven (G7) coming together, where the U.s. joins a joint announcement on fighting protectionism just withholds its support from one reaffirming the Paris climate accord.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump refers to the magnitude of global climate change as he announces his decision to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Leaving the Paris Understanding

In a spoken language, Trump announces that the U.s. will withdraw from the 2015 Paris climate accord, some other agreement negotiated by Obama. Trump criticizes the 195-country agreement, nether which the United States would take voluntarily limited its carbon emissions, for constricting U.Southward. sovereignty, harming American workers, and disadvantaging the United States economically.

Naseem Zeitoun/Reuters

A girl holds a picture depicting Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. Naseem Zeitoun/Reuters

Navigating Qatar'due south Crisis

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Arab republic of egypt sever diplomatic relations with Qatar, alleging information technology supports terrorism and Iranian adventurism. Trump initially welcomes the movement even as Secretary of Country Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis work to reinforce the U.South. relationship with Qatar, which hosts the al-Udeid Air Base, the regional headquarters of U.Southward. Key Control.

Carlos Barria/Reuters

Trump prepares to deliver a oral communication on U.S.-Cuba relations. Carlos Barria/Reuters

Rolling Back Ties With Republic of cuba

Trump announces a partial rollback of the Obama administration'due south rapprochement with Cuba. Nether the newly announced guidelines, the United States will reinstate restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba without severing diplomatic ties. In September 2017, the Trump administration reduces the U.Due south. embassy staff in Havana by one-half.

Saul Loeb/Getty Images

Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin encounter on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Deutschland. Saul Loeb/Getty Images

Trump Meets Putin

In a visit to Warsaw, Trump delivers an accost in which he emphasizes a civilizational struggle for the Due west and, for the first time, explicitly references NATO'south mutual defense clause. In Germany, Trump attends the Group of Twenty leaders' meeting, where he meets for the offset time as president with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting is highly anticipated amid ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Trump speaks nigh N Korea during a conference. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

A War of Words With North Korea

After Pyongyang threatens to launch ballistic missiles into the waters around Guam, Trump warns that N Korea will be met with "burn down and fury" if it continues to threaten launches. The remark initiates hostile rhetorical exchanges that culminate with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un insulting Trump.

Joshua Roberts/Reuters

War machine personnel spotter as Trump announces his strategy for the state of war in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

A New Afghan Strategy

Trump, in a speech, announces a counterterrorism-focused approach to the U.S. mission in Afghanistan. He announces that he volition deploy more U.S. troops there and loosen their rules of engagement. He avoids mentioning deployment timetables.

Zach Gibson/Getty

Protesters demonstrate against the Trump assistants's announcement that it will terminate the Deferred Activeness for Childhood Arrivals plan. Zach Gibson/Getty

Winding Down DACA

Trump and Chaser Full general Jeff Sessions announce that the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will brainstorm winding down in vi months, leaving approximately eight hundred thousand beneficiaries vulnerable to deportation. Trump encourages Congress to legislate a successor to DACA.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Trump waits to accost the United nations General Assembly in New York. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

A United nations Debut

Trump, addressing the United nations General Associates for the starting time fourth dimension, threatens to "totally destroy" Due north Korea if the United States is "forced to defend itself or its allies." Echoing his inaugural address, Trump emphasizes sovereignty and tells the gathered earth leaders that the U.s.a. does "not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it smooth equally an example for everyone to watch."


Trump speaks well-nigh the Islamic republic of iran nuclear bargain. Reuters

Revisiting the Islamic republic of iran Deal

After months of deliberation, Trump announces that he will not recertify Iran's compliance with the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Activity to Congress (JCPOA), saying that Iran's behavior violates the spirit of the agreement. Trump does not take steps to abrogate the JCPOA; instead, he asks Congress to deliberate on reimposing sanctions.


Trump is welcomed to Tokyo past Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Reuters

Trump Goes to Asia

Trump travels to Japan, Republic of korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines on his longest trip yet. In addition to introducing a new vision for U.South. involvement in the "Indo-Pacific," Democratic people's republic of korea and merchandise dominate the agenda. In Vietnam, Trump attends the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit and delivers an address reinforcing his America Offset vision on trade. In Manila, on the sidelines of the Clan of Southeast Asian Nations summits, officials from the United States, Japan, Australia, and Republic of india convene a quadrilateral coming together of like-minded democracies with concerns about China's ascent.

Ahmad Gharabli/Getty Images

Palestinians protestation post-obit the kickoff Friday prayer after Trump'south recognition of Jerusalem at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem'south Old Metropolis. Ahmad Gharabli/Getty Images

Recognizing Jerusalem

Trump breaks with decades of U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by recognizing Jerusalem equally State of israel'due south capital. He justifies the move equally a recognition of the reality that Jerusalem is the seat of Israel's government.

Joshua Roberts/Reuters

A congressional adjutant stands next to a slide presenting the assistants's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Releasing Strategic Documents

The administration releases a series of strategy documents, including ones on national security and defense, both of which highlight Cathay and Russia every bit major strategic competitors. Shortly after, it releases its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which calls for the creation of two new nuclear missiles for submarines. The NPR also broadens the circumstances under which the United States may use nuclear weapons to cover cyberattacks.

Maxim Shemetov/Reuters

A worker takes control of the loading of steel channels at the Ariel Metallic steel trader warehouse in Podolsk outside Moscow, Russia. Maxim Shemetov/Reuters

Announcing Tariffs

Citing national security concerns, the president announces on March 1 that the United States volition impose tariffs on strange-made steel and aluminum. The assistants imposes the restrictions on China just exempts Canada and other U.S.-aligned states, as well as the European union, as trade negotiations continue.


Erstwhile CIA Manager Mike Pompeo meets Due north Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang. KCNA/Reuters

Accepting Kim's Invitation

Trump accepts an invitation from Kim to meet for what would be the first summit betwixt a sitting U.S. president and his North Korean counterpart. South Korean National Security Advisor Chun Eui-yong, in Washington, D.C., announces Trump'southward decision to take the invitation. The Trump administration says the summit will be an opportunity to discuss the denuclearization of North Korea.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

U.S.-Prc Trade War

In early Apr, Prc imposes retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products worth nearly $3 billion, escalating a trade war between the world's two largest economies. Past November, the United states of america has levied tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods, while China has imposed tariffs on $110 billion worth of U.South. products. At the Group of Xx top in Buenos Aires in early December, Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping concord to a cease-fire, as well equally to strike a broader trade agreement within ninety days.

Nazeer al-Khatib/AFP/Getty Images

A Syrian man carries a child in Eastern Ghouta. Nazeer al-Khatib/AFP/Getty Images

A Second Round of Syria Strikes

Trump orders the U.S. armed forces to strike three facilities in Syria linked to the Bashar al-Assad authorities'southward chemical weapons program. The air strikes, a response to the Syrian authorities's declared use of chemical weapons against civilians, are carried out in coordination with forces from French republic and the United Kingdom.

Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

A migrant woman from Republic of honduras, part of a caravan of thousands from Cardinal America, runs from tear gas with her five-year-old daughters at the U.South.-Mexico border. Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

Tightening the Border

The president institutes a coating "nothing tolerance" policy in May that results in the U.South. Border Patrol separating more than 2,600 children from their parents, before reversing the policy in August. In response to a fasten in Cardinal American aviary seekers, Trump sends five thousand troops to "harden the southern edge."

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and Vice President Mike Pence await remarks from Trump on the Iran nuclear accordance. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Agreement

The president announces the U.South. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Program of Action (JCPOA), the 2015 agreement on Iran's nuclear program. Trump says it did not sufficiently curb the country's civilian nuclear program or its regional aggression. Without citing any material Iranian violations, Trump announces that the United States volition reinstate two sets of sanctions on Islamic republic of iran that had been waived with the bargain'southward implementation; they volition accept outcome in August and Nov and range from aircraft imports to oil and petroleum production exports.

Ronen Zvulun/Reuters

Ivanka Trump and Mnuchin attend the dedication ceremony for the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Ronen Zvulun/Reuters

U.South. Embassy Moves to Jerusalem

Afterward recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's upper-case letter in December 2017, the Trump administration moves the U.South. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The movement upsets Arab and Western allies, and brings Washington's neutrality as a banker in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process into question.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Trump and Kim milk shake hands during the Singapore elevation. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Trump Meets Kim

Trump and Kim meet in Singapore. Their joint declaration steers the U.S.-North korea human relationship from confrontation to cooperation, but information technology establishes few means to enforce its ambitious commitments, which include the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula.

Toya Samo Jordan/Reuters

UN Administrator Nikki Haley announces the U.S. withdrawal from the Human Rights Quango. Toya Samo Jordan/Reuters

Withdrawal From UN Human being Rights Quango

Ambassador Nikki Haley announces that the United States volition withdraw from the Human Rights Quango, citing "a chronic bias confronting State of israel" and the human being rights abuses of various sitting members, which include Cathay and Venezuela.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump and Putin at the Helsinki tiptop. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki

Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki for a two-hour meeting behind closed doors, accompanied only by two interpreters. Though the leaders merits to hash out the Syrian civil war, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and Russia's encroachment on Ukraine, the substance of their word remains largely unknown. The meeting culminates in a printing conference during which Trump casts incertitude on U.South. intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump delivers remarks on the United States-Mexico-Canada Understanding at the White Business firm. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters


The U.s.a., Canada, and United mexican states settle on a number of changes to NAFTA, renaming it the Us-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The trade bargain contains new labor stipulations, stronger protections for U.Southward. intellectual property, and higher standards for the machine industry, including rules of origin and minimum wage hikes that benefit American manufacturers.

Osman Orsal/Reuters

A demonstrator holds a poster of journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Osman Orsal/Reuters

Alliance Under Strain

In early October, Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi journalist and Washington Postal service columnist, is assassinated inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Equally evidence incriminating Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman mounts, Trump expresses support for the Saudi leadership, touting Saudi Arabia equally a major U.S. regional partner, oil supplier, and purchaser of U.S. arms. The decision draws backlash from U.S. allies and Congress.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis arrives for a briefing to Congress in December 2018.

U.S. Secretary of Defense force Jim Mattis arrives for a briefing to Congress in Dec 2018. Win McNamee/Getty Images

U.S. Troops to Exit Syria and Afghanistan

Trump announces the United States will withdraw all of its more than two yard troops from Syrian arab republic, though he doesn't specify a timeline. He asks the Pentagon to come up with a plan to withdraw half of those serving in Afghanistan as well. Many Democrats and Republicans in Congress telephone call the decision precipitous, and Mattis offers his resignation the next day, saying the president deserves a secretary "better aligned" with his views.

Trump addresses the crisis in Venezuela during a visit to Miami in February 2019.

Trump addresses the crisis in Venezuela during a visit to Miami in February 2019. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Picking Sides in Venezuela

The White House recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the nation'southward interim president, joining more than than fifty other countries that consider the 2018 reelection of Nicolas Maduro illegitimate. As Venezuela continues to struggle with hyperinflation, shortages of basic goods, and a refugee crisis, Washington's attempts to transport humanitarian aid are blocked at the border. Trump refuses to rule out military action against Maduro and later imposes sanctions.

Federal workers call for an end to the government shutdown in January 2019.

Federal workers call for an end to the authorities shutdown in Jan 2019. Marker Makela/Getty Images

Border Wall Battle

A fight with Congress over Trump'due south need for $5.7 billion for a wall along the southern U.S. border ends after a 30-five-day shutdown of the federal government, the longest e'er. When Congress rejects the funding request, the president declares a national emergency in Feb, assuasive him to divert funding from other sources, including the armed forces. Trump issues his first veto to block a congressional resolution that would have prevented the move.

Workers on the production line of a factory in Shenzhen, China, in August 2019.

Workers on the production line of a manufacturing plant in Shenzhen, China, in August 2019. Jason Lee/Reuters

China Merchandise War Heats Upwardly

Every bit merchandise talks break down, the United States raises tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods from 10 to 25 percent, leading Red china to retaliate in kind. In the following months, the Trump administration as well imposes new restrictions on Chinese telecom firms, labels China a currency manipulator, and threatens to halt all private U.Due south. investment in Communist china. Trump's programme to raise tariffs on an additional $300 billion worth of Chinese goods is, however, put on concord.

Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, defends his government's targeting of a U.S. drone in the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran'south ambassador to the United nations, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, defends his government's targeting of a U.S. drone in the Strait of Hormuz. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Trump Walks Back Islamic republic of iran Strike

In the wake of an Iranian downing of a U.South. drone, Trump authorizes military activeness on Iranian targets, but calls off the operation at the last moment. The incident comes afterwards months of rising tensions, including increased U.South. sanctions on Iran for violating the terms of a 2015 nuclear deal and Iranian threats to shut downward the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial global shipping lane.

Trump and Kim step across the border between North and South Korea.

Trump and Kim step across the border betwixt North and South Korea. Dong-A Ilbo/Getty Images

Visiting North korea

Trump becomes the commencement sitting U.S. president to prepare human foot in Democratic people's republic of korea, crossing the Demilitarized Zone for a cursory coming together with Kim. Coming months after a February top in Vietnam collapsed almost equally before long equally information technology began, neither side offers concrete concessions and Democratic people's republic of korea soon resumes missile tests.

Migrants from Central America wait at a shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, in July 2019.

Migrants from Central America wait at a shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, in July 2019. Eduardo Jaramillo Castro/AFP/Getty Images

Irresolute the Aviary Rules

Trump announces a "safe third country" understanding with Guatemala that would crave asylum seekers to remain at that place, rather than wait in the United States while their claims are candy, or confront displacement. The deal is challenged in Guatemalan courtroom, simply similar arrangements with Republic of el salvador and Republic of honduras are presently announced. The moves come after Trump bug new rules that asylum seekers in Mexico must remain at that place and uses the threat of tariffs to pressure United mexican states to step up its own edge security efforts.

An Afghan woman carries posters of presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah ahead of elections set for September 2019.

An Afghan woman carries posters of presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah ahead of elections prepare for September 2019. Hoshang Hashimi/AFP/Getty Images

Taliban Talks Canceled

Trump declares an end to Afghan peace talks, calling off a planned meeting of warring parties, including Taliban representatives, at Camp David. A preliminary agreement had reportedly revolved around a pledge past the Taliban to keep terrorists out of Afghanistan in exchange for a stop-fire and full withdrawal of Western armed services forces. In October, the Pentagon says 2 thousand U.S. troops have already been withdrawn, leaving some twelve thousand remaining.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announces an inquiry into impeachment.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announces an inquiry into impeachment. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Impeachment Inquiry Over Ukraine Dealings

The U.S. Business firm of Representatives begins a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump over allegations that he withheld military aid to Ukraine to pressure level it to investigate his political rival, Autonomous presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump denies there was a "quid pro quo" with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

A convoy of U.S. armored vehicles patrols a stretch of the Syria-Turkey border in October 2019.

A convoy of U.Due south. armored vehicles patrols a stretch of the Syrian arab republic-Turkey edge in Oct 2019. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

Withdrawal From Northern Syria

In the wake of a call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Trump abruptly decides to withdraw all remaining U.S. troops from Kurdish-controlled northern Syrian arab republic. Two days subsequently, Turkish troops invade Syria to combat Kurdish groups, which Ankara labels terrorists, and the Kurds seek protection from Assad'due south government and his Russian allies. The Trump administration responds with sanctions on Turkey, a NATO ally, leading to talks for a permanent stop-fire. The deal allows the Syrian Kurds to evacuate and divides control of the territory along the Syria-Turkey edge amid Turkish, Russian, and Syrian authorities forces.

General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, greets Saudi military officers during a 2019 visit to Saudi Arabia.

General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Control, greets Saudi armed services officers during a 2019 visit to Saudi Arabia. Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images

Additional Support for Saudi arabia

In the wake of a September attack on Saudi oil facilities that Riyadh blames on Iran, Trump reinforces the kingdom with three thousand U.S. troops as well as fighter jets and missile technology. The testify of support comes several months later on bipartisan efforts in Congress to finish Washington's backing of Saudi Arabia'southward war in Yemen forced Trump to veto bills that would have ended U.Due south. involvement in the war and blocked U.Southward. arms sales to Riyadh.

A Pentagon press briefing on the raid against Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

A Pentagon printing briefing on the raid confronting Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Alex Wong/Getty Images

Baghdadi Killed

Trump announces that the leader of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been killed past U.S. forces. His immediate successor is also killed in a separate raid. Baghdadi, who once controlled thousands of square miles of territory across the Middle East, was in hiding in northern Syria, eight months after the Islamic State lost the last remnant of its caliphate in Syria.

An Iranian woman shows a photo of Iranian Commander Qasem Soleimani on her cell phone during a protest against his killing in Tehran.

An Iranian adult female shows a photo of Iranian Commander Qasem Soleimani during a protest against his killing. Nazanin Tabatabaee/WANA/Reuters

Drone Strike on Soleimani

A U.S. drone strike kills Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' elite Quds Force, in Baghdad. The Pentagon links Soleimani to violent demonstrations at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, likewise equally the deaths of hundreds of American and allied troops in the region. Though Trump says he ordered the strike "to stop a war," Soleimani's killing raises fears of farther escalation. Tehran retaliates by firing missiles at ii Iraqi bases hosting U.S. soldiers, prompting Washington to impose new sanctions on Islamic republic of iran.

U.S. President Donald J. Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announce their peace plan proposal at the White House.

Trump and Israeli Prime number Government minister Benjamin Netanyahu announce their peace plan proposal at the White House. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

A New Mideast Peace Plan

In a joint White House appearance, Trump and Israeli Prime number Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announce a new program to end decades of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Analysts say the deal, developed without Palestinian input, favors Israel by awarding it big portions of the West Bank and Jerusalem, and by weakening long-standing U.South. support for a fully autonomous Palestinian state. Palestinian leaders roundly reject the proposal, which is opposed by virtually Arab states and received ambivalently by European countries.

Dressed in a suit and standing in front of a microphone, Trump holds up a copy of the Washington Post showing news of his acquittal.

Trump holds up a copy of the Washington Mail showing news of his acquittal. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Trump'south Acquittal

In a 52–48 vote, the U.Southward. Senate acquits Trump of a charge of abuse of ability centered on allegations he pressured the Ukrainian authorities to investigate his political opponents. The Senate also finds him not guilty of obstructing the congressional investigation into the matter. The vote comes less than a month after the Business firm of Representatives impeached Trump, the third presidential impeachment in the nation'southward history. While U.S. military assistance for Ukraine continues, many Ukrainians worry that the impeachment weakens bilateral ties every bit a Russia-backed insurgency in eastern Ukraine persists.

A photo of two men shaking hands in front of a screen that reads "Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan."  The man on the left is dressed in a navy-colored suit, and the man on the right has a beard, is wearing a head covering, and is carrying a red folder.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the leader of the Taliban delegation, and Zalmay Khalilzad, U.Due south. envoy for peace in Afghanistan, milk shake hands after signing an agreement in Doha, Qatar. Ibraheem al Omari/Reuters

U.Due south.-Taliban Understanding

U.Due south. and Taliban officials ink a deal to brainstorm reducing hostilities, heralded as a major step in the long-drawn-out try to end Transitional islamic state of afghanistan's eighteen-year state of war. In exchange for a withdrawal of U.Due south. troops within fourteen months, the Taliban agrees to open talks with the Afghan government and forestall terrorist groups from using Afghanistan to assail the United States or its allies. The agreement also calls for a permanent finish-fire to be worked out during intra-Afghan negotiations. Some experts see the deal as one-sided and question whether the Taliban will follow through on its ill-defined commitments.

A person with shoulder-length, blonde hair appears in profile on the right. The background is a red, white, and blue depiction of the American flag.

A New York City resident in a surgical mask walks by a delineation of the American flag among the metropolis'south coronavirus outbreak. Andrew Kelly/Reuters

National Emergency Over Coronavirus

After initially downplaying the risk of a new coronavirus disease, COVID-xix, Trump declares a national emergency as cases balloon. The motility unlocks roughly $50 billion in federal funding and allows the loosening of some regulations on health-care providers. Trump too announces new efforts to heave coronavirus testing, later what many meet as an anemic federal response, and later signs more than $2 trillion in economic stimulus legislation. Trump increasingly blames Prc, where the virus originated, for misleading the world and threatens retaliation.

People sitting spaced apart at long tables watching a speech by Trump, which is shown on two screens that flank a podium at the UN headquarters.

Trump speaks during the United nations General Associates argue, which was held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic, on September 22, 2020. United nations/Handout/Reuters

COVID-xix's Diplomatic Fallout

The coronavirus pandemic disrupts U.S. diplomacy, including past causing the postponement of the G7 tiptop, which the United States was set to host. U.Southward. programs such every bit the Peace Corps are forced to halt global operations. Geopolitical contest, including U.Due south.-Cathay tensions, hamstrings a multilateral coronavirus response, experts say. At the United nations General Assembly annual debate, held virtually for the first time, due to the coronavirus, Trump once again blames China for the pandemic and accuses it of environmental pollution and trade abuses.

A photo of three people sitting, spaced apart, at a desk with banners and a flag behind them.  The WHO logo appears on a brown, striped wall at the back of the frame.

World Health Organization (WHO) officials, including Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, nourish a news briefing at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in July 2020. Fabrice Coffrini/Pool/Reuters

WHO Withdrawal Detect

The Trump administration formally notifies the United Nations that the United States will cut ties with the World Wellness Organisation (WHO), which it helped found, constructive July 2021. Trump previously accused the Un agency of misleading the world nearly the threat of COVID-nineteen under pressure from People's republic of china; he had also announced the redirection of U.Southward. funding, the WHO's largest source of financial support. In September, the United states refuses to bring together a WHO-led global initiative, known every bit the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX Facility), to develop, manufacture, and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine.

An image from behind of two men dressed in camouflage fatigues. They are walking across gravel near a fence and red road barriers. Trees appear in the distance.

U.S. soldiers walk at training grounds near Hohenfels, Germany, during armed services exercises in Baronial 2020. Lennart Preiss/Getty Images

Drawdown of Troops in Deutschland

Defense Secretarial assistant Marker T. Esper says the U.s.a. plans to withdraw nearly twelve one thousand troops stationed in Federal republic of germany—almost one-third of the full U.S. strength there—and the caput of U.S. European Command announces that force's headquarters will be relocated from Stuttgart to Mons, Belgium. Esper says the moves will strengthen NATO, heighten efforts to deter Russian federation, and boost strategic flexibility; Trump says it is a response to Federal republic of germany not upholding its financial commitments to NATO.

Four men in suits sitting at a long table, with three of them holding up signed agreements.  The other man and a woman behind them are clapping.  Flags of the United States, Bahrain, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates are in the background.

Trump, Netanyahu, Bahraini Foreign Government minister Abdullatif al-Zayani, and Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed sign deals to normalize Israel'south relations with the Gulf states, on September 15, 2020. Tom Brenner/Reuters

Arab-Israeli Normalization Deals

In a September ceremony at the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signs U.Southward.-brokered agreements to normalize relations with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Trump heralds the outcome as the "dawn of a new Middle East." Experts say the deals further unite Israel and Arab Gulf states confronting Islamic republic of iran, while Palestinian leaders decry them as a expose. In the post-obit months, Trump announces that Sudan and Morocco volition also brainstorm rapprochements with Israel. In commutation, the The states grants Sudan financial assist and delists it every bit a state sponsor of terrorism. It also recognizes Morocco'south claim to the disputed region of Western Sahara.

People, including children, clump together with water and buildings behind them.  Some are wearing masks and carrying bags.

People from the burn-ravaged Moria refugee campsite wait to board a ferry on the island of Lesbos, Hellenic republic, in September 2020. Elias Marcou/Reuters

Refugee Cap Reaches Record Low

The Land Department announces a plan to slash refugee admissions to a maximum of fifteen thousand people in the 2021 fiscal twelvemonth, the lowest level in the four-decade history of modern U.Southward. refugee resettlement. It cites prioritizing Americans' safety and well-beingness amid the pandemic, among other factors, equally a reason for the motion. Trump's response to the novel coronavirus reinforces his restrictive immigration policy. Since March, the administration has temporarily halted refugee resettlement, effectively shuttered the aviary organization, and blocked many foreign worker visas and green cards.

A close-up shot of Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper wearing a black face mask, glasses, and a suit.

Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper arrives in New Delhi, Republic of india, in October 2020. Adnan Abidi/Reuters

Defense Department Shake-Up

Days subsequently losing reelection to Biden, Trump announces Esper's termination equally defense secretary on Twitter. Several other top Pentagon officials resign following Esper's removal and are replaced by perceived White Business firm loyalists. The reshuffle raises alarm among Democrats about security risks amid a presidential transition. Christopher C. Miller, director of the National Counterterrorism Centre, is named interim defense secretary. Meanwhile, Trump's refusal to recognize Biden's victory stymies information sharing and other coordination on national security issues with the Biden transition team.

A white and grey airplane with "United States of America" on its side flies above mountainous terrain.

A U.Due south. aircraft conducts an observation flight as permitted under the Treaty on Open Skies. U.S. Air Force

Open Skies Withdrawal

The United states formally exits the Treaty on Open Skies, which experts see every bit a setback to international arms control efforts. The withdrawal, which faced domestic and international opposition, comes six months afterwards Pompeo appear it, citing Russian noncompliance. In force since 2002, the treaty allows member countries to surveil each other'southward military installations and activities on brusk notice via flyovers past unarmed aircraft. Signatories besides share the information they assemble with other states party to the bargain. Weeks later the U.South. leave, Russian federation announces it will also withdraw from the treaty.

A photo taken around dusk of a crowd of people, some holding flags, gathered around an area glowing from an explosion. The Capitol Building looms in the background.

An explosion occurs as rioters gather in front of the U.Southward. Capitol Building in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021. Leah Millis/Reuters

Coup at the Capitol

A pro-Trump mob, egged on past the president, storms the Capitol Building and disrupts legislators meeting to certify President-Elect Biden'due south victory. The alienation of the Capitol leaves five people dead and forces lawmakers to take cover for hours. While continuing to merits balloter victory, Trump calls his pre-coup remarks "totally advisable," and he criticizes efforts to impeach him a second time as a "continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics." Many world leaders condemn the uprising equally an assail on democracy, affirm their support for Biden's presidency, and urge an orderly transition of power. Some governments also point to the insurrection every bit show of hypocrisy in the United states of america' portrayal of itself as a standard-bearer for republic.


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